Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tips for Success...

  • Reason: Dreams and Goals

Dreams are our Motivation to do things at it's best. Dream big! Not all of them may happen but everything that happened were once a dream. There should always be reason for all our actions. Remember!

"What your Mind can Conceive, your body will Achieve".

  • Attitude: 100%

Having positive attitude is always a secret to a successful life. Whatever

the means, there will always be a fruitful ending for someone who

commits a good attitude. "Always begin with the end in mind".

  • Knowledge: Gathering Ideas

Hunger for knowledge is always a key for everything, knowledge will always be a weapon and motivation. Never stop learning!!!

  • Planning: S.M.A.R.T
S - Systematic

M - Manner

A - Accuracy

R - Realistic

T - Time Frame

  • Action: Execution

Execution will be the means to get all of our dreams. Proper execution and hard-work will lead to success.

  • Rejection: Direct

People has different visions, we all have different paradigms. Therefore, not everyone will be able to visualize your idea. So what? Go find the right one. Someone else is waiting somewhere!

  • Results:
- Analyze
* Analyze the result of the Action
- Adjust
* Adjust your Plans
- Act

Execute the Action again until it is perfect

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